Bouncing Ball - reflections- one wall type

Bouncing ball with reflections; no collisions between balls. Simulation properties: 'Move_rate' - time between cycles (for large array, set to 0.0). Control_mode: 0 = local control within each ball; 1 = Controller-controlled via broadcast (controller buried under lower left Floor cell). Use hand tool on any wall agent to toggle between control modes. Level 1: place your own pattern of Ball agents on the floor. Use the shifted-hand toole on a wall to remove all balls from a world. There are two types of balls. Ball agent does not require separate shapes for each of the side and corner walls to make decisions about changing direction. Ball_2 agent uses different shapes to make decisions about changing direction. It is possible to mix ball agents in a single world, as long as the side and bottom agents have the appropriate shapes (red dots) to distinguish the wall sides. The corner wall agent belongs in the corners regardless of wall type. Any wall agent can be used for any wall position if only the Ball agents are on that world. Acknowledgement: Thanks to Bob Panoff for the original inspiration for this project.
Created:July 19, 2015
Edit Time:10 Minutes
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Bouncing ball with reflections; no collisions between balls. Simulation properties: 'Move_rate' - time between cycles (for large array, set to 0.0). Control_mode: 0 = local control within each ball; 1 = Controller-controlled via broadcast (controller buried under lower left Floor cell). Use hand tool on any wall agent to toggle between control modes. Level 1: place your own pattern of Ball agents on the floor. Use the shifted-hand toole on a wall to remove all balls from a world. There are two types of balls. Ball agent does not require separate shapes for each of the side and corner walls to make decisions about changing direction. Ball_2 agent uses different shapes to make decisions about changing direction. It is possible to mix ball agents in a single world, as long as the side and bottom agents have the appropriate shapes (red dots) to distinguish the wall sides. The corner wall agent belongs in the corners regardless of wall type. Any wall agent can be used for any wall position if only the Ball agents are on that world. Acknowledgement: Thanks to Bob Panoff for the original inspiration for this project.
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